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Sterling Secure Video Viewer

Philip Whitchelo
09-Jan-2024 20:08:19

Share confidential video content with bidders and investors during due diligence and high stakes dealmaking without losing control of your intellectual property - the Sterling Technology virtual data room platform allows users to view videos in a secure browser window without having to download any files or leave the VDR. That's a unique feature that no other virtual data room currently provides. Click on the short video below to see how it works - for the best viewing experience, select the full screen icon in the bottom right-hand corner after launching the video.

Sterling Technology's virtual data room platform includes many other unique features that increase productivity and security - accelerating deal timelines. To schedule a live demonstration of how the Sterling Technology team can help make your next deal a great deal better, please complete the form at the bottom of the page or click here to contact us by e-mail.